Tuesday, December 8, 2009

When the selection is overwhelming...

How do you pick the right item? Over time- through research, recommendations and mostly... trial and error, which is why I want to create to this site; to prevent any and all poor dining experiences.

Most times I'll research a restaurant through the internet if I know I'm going there in advance, however there are many times when I just dine spontaneously. So when I take a look at the menu, sometimes I'll spot a couple of items that I might be interested in (but I'm usually open to ANYTHING as long as it's AWESOME), and then I'll resort to my closest resource: the server. I'll ask the server for their recommendation, because they're the ones who should know (and if they don't have a recommendation they're not very good waiters)!!

If my picks match up with their recommendations, I feel like I won the raffle prize; if my picks do not line up with theirs... I'll asks for a few minutes, review their choices and decide: mine vs. theirs. The waiters usually do not disappoint with their choices but you have to remember... everyone has different taste buds, so you can't rely on every recommendation- sometimes you just have to go with your gut!

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