Tuesday, December 8, 2009

An Invite for Your Appetite

WHO: Hi everyone, I'm Justine and I LOVE to EAT.

WHAT: Today I was wandering around the downtown area in NYC, wondering which direction I should take... I thought to myself, "If I go right, I'll head into SoHo and I could probably find a good cupcake; if I go left I can head into Chinatown and get some inexpensive yet delicious dumplings..." and that's when it hit me.

You're probably thinking, "What, a dumpling?"

No, friends... I finally figured out a solution that will satisfy both my ever-growing appetite and mind...

WHEN: So starting today, I will begin blogging about different types of food/restaurants around the globe that are recommended by both YOU and ME :)

WHERE: We all know that there a thousands of restaurants all over the world waiting to be discovered... and the best places are discovered by word of mouth! So... we might as well share our wealth of foodie knowledge, right?

WHY: I'm always searching for the "BEST", nothing in particular, I just want to be "WOW-ED". Each time I dine, I'm on a mission to have a jaw-dropping, mouth watering experience. When I taste something amazing, it feels better than opening presents on Christmas morning! It just makes me feel happy and giddy inside :-D

Overall, my goal for this site is to prevent any upsetting dining experiences... I plan to share my best foodie experiences with you, and you can reciprocate the favor by sharing yours :)

HOW: Ideally I'd like to organize this by country, location, type of restaurant, brief description and recommendation. However I'm not sure if blogger is capable of that type of organization... so for now I'll just start blogging my favorite treats/places every Sunday!

RSVP: How are you going to be involved in the project? Well your job description requires: commenting after each post with questions, comments, concerns, recommendations, etc. Consider yourself a food critic here, because the more feedback, the merrier. And if you would, e-mail me places to try... I work, so I can EAT :)

BTW this will be an on-going project that will benefit anyone and everyone who LOVES food. Hopefully it'll satisfy your cravings and link your tastebuds to new textures and a variety of flavors.

Enjoy it, experience it, love it- buon appetito!

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