Sunday, December 20, 2009

Matzoh Ball Soup: 2nd Avenue Deli, NYC

In honor of Hannakuh, this Sunday I'm featuring a Jewish favorite- not latkas, not babka, not hamentashen (can you tell I grew up in 95% Jewish community??)

... I'm talking about matzoh ball soup people!

Matzoh ball soup is basically chicken broth (noodles, carrots- varies place to place) with one or two gigantic matzoh balls , which are made from matzo meal (ground matzo). I guess it's an acquired taste but I've always loved them. The actual matzoh ball is soft, but it has a lot of texture; it soaks up all of the soup and it just makes you feel good inside. Now, I've had quite a few bowls of this soup... and I have say, 2nd Avenue Deli is my favorite.

Photo Borrowed from: Amateur Gourmet

Well I remember the first time I went to 2nd Avenue Deli (at their original location)... I was about 17 and had a flight to California to visit my sister. Since I was flying out of JFK my Mom told me we could do dinner in the city. Initially I was craving a hot pastrami sandwich, so she told me we were going to 2nd Avenue...

When we walked through the door a short woman, who looked younger than a grandma and older than a mom with a round figure sat us down at the table. We knew what we wanted so I said "two hot pastrami sandwiches please" (BTW that could feed four people)... and she said, "What, no soup? Have you ever tried our Matzah Ball Soup?" And when we shook our heads no... she said, "OMG! You have to try our soup- it's delicioussss!"

My Mom and I were totally sold just by her enthusiasm alone! And to be honest...  I don't know if I fell in love with the soup or it was her love for the soup, but the bowl was completely empty by the time I looked down :)

So, if you're in NYC stop by and take a seat at their new Murray Hill location on 162 E 33rd St.


You can order from the deli counter for take out... just tell Mohammed I sent you, he'll hook you up with some pastrami while you wait ;)


If you're feeling lazy, sick, tired, grouchy, whatever... don't fret. As long as you live near the area, you can order a bowl of matzoh ball soup (and whatever else you want) right to your apartment door- just call: (212) 689-9000... and leave a nice tip! L'chaim!

PS- Be careful when you open the soup container, they fill it to the brim

Baci e abbracci <3

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