Tuesday, December 8, 2009

RE-MEMORABLE: Is that even a word?

Nope. But I didn't make it up out of thin air... today...

During Winter Restaurant Week NYC 2008, I was at Dos Caminos in SoHo for dinner with my sister and a friend. I started off the night with their Frozen Margarita (FYI- I'm not a heavy drinker but they are known for their tequila-infused masterpieces) and I have to admit, I liked them A LOT. So 2 margaritas later, I was enjoying the delicious guacamole and the wonderful table service.

At the end of the meal they requested us to fill out a dining card and I was happy to oblige. I started writing about my dining experience, however I stopped mid sentence utterly confused... so I asked my sister how to spell "rememorable" LOL and well, yeah... that's how it began! You can either thank or blame it on the tequila, but it was a MEMORABLE dining experience and I couldn't wait to RE-peat it :)

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