Sunday, February 21, 2010


Okay so I was on a mini-vacation with my Mom in the Tuscan area and as much as I tried to enjoy the architecture, the churches, the museums, etcetera, etcetera... all I focus on was where we should go for lunch and dinner, local snacks that we have to try, markets we need to visit, snacks that we have to order... and well, I think you get the point... eating really is the highlight of my day. 

So this trip made me realize that no matter where I go, or what I do, or who I'm with... my focus will always be on the local gastronomy; which made me realize and redefine my objective for this blog.

Wherever I go I will always look for the local favorite. It can range from the poshest of posh all the way down to a total hole in the wall- and usually nothing in between. Call me an extremist but the "in-between places" are usually chains that just don't make the cut; their menus lack creativity and the taste-level is standard. So like I said- I'll eat at the poshest to the poorest as long as it's local and absolutely delicious.

In Manhattan a local has the option to dine at places in the Upper West like Jean George and places down in the East Village like Ralphs.

Therefore my objective is to: Eat Like a Local.

And eating like a local all depends on the reputation, the location and the connections... so hook me up ;)

Baci e abbracci <3

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