Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dolci: Il Dolce Cortile, Monza

Monza is my current home and since the first day I moved in, I've been on a mission to find the best bakery in town. At first I was told by friends that Cirvelli is the best... and yes it's very good... but then some friends discovered a place that I like to call my secret little bakery... and after a series of visits... I have proclaimed Il Dolce Cortile (The Sweet Courtyard) as the BEST BAKERY in MONZA.

And when I say bakery, I'm talking sweets. No bread- just cookies, cakes, chocolates, truffles, pasticcini (small little tarts). Almost everything is bite size, and EVERYTHING is aesthetically pleasing... as well as delicious.

I love this bakery because it's like a hidden, yet public, treasure. You can walk the streets of Monza everyday and pass it without knowing. There's a sign (featured on the right) but outsiders won't even think twice. It's as if you have to be in the know, in order to be a customer there. And believe me, they do very well even though they are tucked away.

So if you'd like to be in the know you have a few options:
1) Be on the lookout for this sign- if coming from the train station, it will be on your right
2) I would be happy to take you personally as long as I am rewarded with a mini cake ;)
3) Make a reservation at the Tearose. The Tearose is the poshest place in Monza and it's located right infront of the Duomo. It has a great atmosphere and they sell these delicacies for 35% more than the asking price... but for the view, the atmosphere and the cakes... the Tearose is worth it.

However, if you're still on a mission to find the Sweet Courtyard... once you arrive you'll enter a little corridor full of lights. On many occasions I feel as if I'm making my way towards heaven. Once you go through the corridor, turn left and there it is... a window full of the most beautiful cakes and trays full of cookies.

When you walk in you'll be drawn to the teeny tiny cookies... but I'm telling you... go for the cakes. They have mini individual sized cakes, and then they have the same cakes in bigger sizes. Depending on my mood, the assortment and of course a recommendation from Gabriella, I usually go for the individual cakes... but I wouldn't mind having an entire cake all to myself ;)

Some people say the prices are a little expensive for cake but I think it's well worth the cost. Mini cakes are a little over 3 euros, and I think the bigger cakes depend on how many kilograms it weighs... but whichever size you get, you will leave with a smile on that face of yours :)

Baci e abbracci <3

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