Sunday, February 28, 2010

Everything: Ristorante Bice, Italy

My Mom's Friend frequents Milan on business trips and knows some of the best places to eat. She passed on a list of restaurant and I chose to take my Mom to Bice for her first visit to Milan. is an upscale restaurant, known for its quality and it's culture. It's on a side street off Montenapoleone (the IT street for fashion designers) and on the same road as Versace Home. When we arrived, we handed our coats the girl at the coat check, walked in and told one of the waiters that we had a reservation for two.

We sat down in the middle of the restaurant at 2:15 and took in the atmosphere. We sat across from an older gentleman, who was dressed to perfection... my Mom said he looked "familiar" meaning... he must be a well-known designer.

The atmosphere is just exciting as the menu- and for our first course we decided to order the dishes recommended by my Mom's Friend: Veal Milanese and Risotto Gorganzola.

When the food came out, I wasn't impressed with the presentation, but I was blown away by the flavors and the quality. Every bite was amazing. The meat was so tender; I was able to cut it with a butter knife. The portions were decent and not overwhelming.

Luckily we had room for dessert and ordered Tortino Ciccolato con Gelato Pistacchio. And I'm not lying when I say this... it was love at first bite. The chocolate sent chills all over my body and found myself saying "MMmmmMmmm, even after I had finished my share of the dessert.

The food was fantastic. The service was fantastic. The atmosphere was fantastic. I can't wait to go back. Maybe we can go together- meet you on Via Borgospesso :)

Oh yeah, apologies for the lack of photography, I only managed to take one picture of the dessert. Mother advised that I could cause a controversy if I took pictures of the food because the staff might be worried about people stealing the recipe and what not... so I guess you'll just have to go there for yourself :)

Baci e abbracci <3

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pasta: Trattoria La Torre, Siena

I took a little trip down to Florence and decided to take a sporadic trip to Siena. I've never been there, heard it was beautiful and decided to go. However, I'm not really interested in the architecture, the churches, the leather goods... I'm interested in olive oil, salami, local wines and of course the cuisine.

So in order to prepare for my trip, I googled.

Literally- I typed good places to eat in Siena and got multiple lists that had stars decorating my entire screen... so I had to do some weeding and stumbled upon Trattoria La Torre.

I was a little skeptical... but after 5 stars in a row I figured something had to be special about this place. From what I read... I was told that this place was a hidden gem, a local favorite, reasonably priced for a central location, family-run, has an open kitchen with the freshest pasta and an old man who is the menu.

I also read that this man can be a little pushy about what to order... and that's exactly why I chose this place. If anyone is going to know what's good, it will be the man in charge. So I brushed up on my Italian (since he will only speak in Italian) and prepared myself for a great lunch.

Trattoria La Torre is literally a hop skip and a jump away from the actual Tower in Il Campo. I walked wayy too far and completely missed this place. I had to ask a local woman who was more than happy to guide me in the right direction (I felt so stupid because she's like it's right there, look hahah)!

The door is covered in long dark brown furry curtains which didn't really phase me (unlike the readers on tripadvisor), and the inside is small and cozy. I like the limited availabilty of seats because it made me feel excited to be able to dine there.

We sat in the center of the restaurant, ordered the vino della casa from a young lady. After we placed our drink order, the old man got up from his chair and came over... I took a deep breath (nervousness from all of the tripadvisor reveiws), opened my ears and listened carefully.

He said in a gentle voice, "Pasta. Ravioli, Gnocchi, Pici, etc, etc, etc," while pointing to the table with the fresh pasta. I was so surprised how nice he was- I was expecting the NY Soup Nazi! So I just smiled and replied, "Mi piace che tu piace." And I'm not really sure if I translated correctly but I wanted to say "I like what you like" which made him chuckle and then he suggested the Ravioli and I ordered the Pici spaghetti for my Mommy.

The dishes came out and the sauce was fantastic. The ravioli was stuffed with cheese and spinach topped with a bolongnase meat sauce topped with parmesan. My Mom had pici noodles with the same sauce... and was really impressed with her dish. And when I say impressed, I mean blow away. Let me give you a little background info about my Mom- when she orders a dish she usually gives away 85% of her dish whether you want to try it or not because she's a tiny eater. And well I was counting on her to share today and well she didn't want to switch plates! Not kidding, she was only willing to give me one bite LOL!

After the pasta dish, the old man came over and said, "Carne." He actually started listing things in English which really surprised me and my Mom decided to try their lamb. Since Mom was getting a meat dish I decided to get another pasta dish LOL. I decided on gnocchi even though I wish I could have tried all of them. I'm not a fan of gnocchi but I read good things and I agree that this gnocchi was probably the best I've ever had. It didn't have a strong flavor- it was simply soft and delightful with a simple ragu sauce. My mom's lamb was very intricate- it was like a stuffed braised lamb bursting with flavor. And in addition to the lamb my Mom got a side dish of spinach which was surprisingly delicious.

We were completely full once we finished those dishes... so I said, "Basta cosi." Meaning that's it. So while we waited for the bill, we kept our eyes on all of the other dishes that were coming out of the open kitchen. One woman ordered a beautiful florentine steak, someone else ordered three different pastas with sauce, and half of the restaurant ordered tiramisu. We weren't planning to order coffee or desserts but I really felt the need to try the tiramisu since it was an obvious favorite.

And I really needed to see if it was better than mine... when I put my spoon into the tiramisu I was a little nervous because I really didn't want it to be better than mine...

But to my surprise: even though it has the same name- the two desserts are completely different! My tiramisu is the traditional style- ladyfingers with cream, while La Torre's is very little cookie with tons of cream with chocolate chips... and I think it had liquor because it was very runny. It tasted nice but in my opinion... mine is definitely better ;)

Oh yeah! And when we ordered coffee it was interesting to see the young lady exit the restaurant and come back with the tray of coffee. I think they own the place next door which is a coffee shop...which is why they don't have the machine in the restaurant. I don't know, that's my theory.

Anyway it was really great dining at this authentic, tuscan, family-run restaurant. The food is so good that I would have paid top dollar for their pasta... but luckily I didn't have too. This place doesn't take advantage of the tourist trap and produces quality over quantity... which makes you want to order as much as possible.

Baci e abbracchi <3


Okay so I was on a mini-vacation with my Mom in the Tuscan area and as much as I tried to enjoy the architecture, the churches, the museums, etcetera, etcetera... all I focus on was where we should go for lunch and dinner, local snacks that we have to try, markets we need to visit, snacks that we have to order... and well, I think you get the point... eating really is the highlight of my day. 

So this trip made me realize that no matter where I go, or what I do, or who I'm with... my focus will always be on the local gastronomy; which made me realize and redefine my objective for this blog.

Wherever I go I will always look for the local favorite. It can range from the poshest of posh all the way down to a total hole in the wall- and usually nothing in between. Call me an extremist but the "in-between places" are usually chains that just don't make the cut; their menus lack creativity and the taste-level is standard. So like I said- I'll eat at the poshest to the poorest as long as it's local and absolutely delicious.

In Manhattan a local has the option to dine at places in the Upper West like Jean George and places down in the East Village like Ralphs.

Therefore my objective is to: Eat Like a Local.

And eating like a local all depends on the reputation, the location and the connections... so hook me up ;)

Baci e abbracci <3

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dolci: Il Dolce Cortile, Monza

Monza is my current home and since the first day I moved in, I've been on a mission to find the best bakery in town. At first I was told by friends that Cirvelli is the best... and yes it's very good... but then some friends discovered a place that I like to call my secret little bakery... and after a series of visits... I have proclaimed Il Dolce Cortile (The Sweet Courtyard) as the BEST BAKERY in MONZA.

And when I say bakery, I'm talking sweets. No bread- just cookies, cakes, chocolates, truffles, pasticcini (small little tarts). Almost everything is bite size, and EVERYTHING is aesthetically pleasing... as well as delicious.

I love this bakery because it's like a hidden, yet public, treasure. You can walk the streets of Monza everyday and pass it without knowing. There's a sign (featured on the right) but outsiders won't even think twice. It's as if you have to be in the know, in order to be a customer there. And believe me, they do very well even though they are tucked away.

So if you'd like to be in the know you have a few options:
1) Be on the lookout for this sign- if coming from the train station, it will be on your right
2) I would be happy to take you personally as long as I am rewarded with a mini cake ;)
3) Make a reservation at the Tearose. The Tearose is the poshest place in Monza and it's located right infront of the Duomo. It has a great atmosphere and they sell these delicacies for 35% more than the asking price... but for the view, the atmosphere and the cakes... the Tearose is worth it.

However, if you're still on a mission to find the Sweet Courtyard... once you arrive you'll enter a little corridor full of lights. On many occasions I feel as if I'm making my way towards heaven. Once you go through the corridor, turn left and there it is... a window full of the most beautiful cakes and trays full of cookies.

When you walk in you'll be drawn to the teeny tiny cookies... but I'm telling you... go for the cakes. They have mini individual sized cakes, and then they have the same cakes in bigger sizes. Depending on my mood, the assortment and of course a recommendation from Gabriella, I usually go for the individual cakes... but I wouldn't mind having an entire cake all to myself ;)

Some people say the prices are a little expensive for cake but I think it's well worth the cost. Mini cakes are a little over 3 euros, and I think the bigger cakes depend on how many kilograms it weighs... but whichever size you get, you will leave with a smile on that face of yours :)

Baci e abbracci <3

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Everything: Clementines, Avon

To outsiders, the Jersey Shore (Central Jersey) is known for their beaches, over-sized pizza, guidos, italian ices, and dive bars... but locals know the hidden gems that make Jersey Shore shine. One of those hidden gems is a place called Clementines in Avon.

Clementines is unique because the owner has two passion. Painting and food. He runs a paint company in the morning and then Clementine's opens its doors at 5. You might be questioning the quality of this mans work, but seriously everything is superb.

Clementines is a cajun-style restaurant that makes masterpieces. Everything, and I mean everything is fantastic. And at first you may be overwhelmed by the interior but once you take a bite everything just makes sense. On top of the great food, this place is BYOB! They encourage you to stop by their local liquor store before it closes so you can truly enjoy your meal.

Overall the staff is great, the food is phenomenal... if I had to suggest a dish, I'd go for the shrimp and tasso pasta to get a taste for the cajun style... but you really can't go wrong. And definitely try their specials...

Check them out at:
And don't forget to make reservations...

Baci e Abbracci <3