Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ravioli: Pasta & Company, Torino

Why go to a supermarket when you can go to "THE MARKET"?

In Italy, each town has their own center. In the center, on specific days, there are Outdoor Markets. In Monza, I discovered their Mercato di Sabato... and a friend of mine introduced me to the "THE" Ravioli Truck.

We walked all the way towards the back of the market, and there it was... ECCOLO- a yellow and white masterpiece that made it all the way from Torino.

Now this isn't just some ordinary ravioli truck. This truck has ravioli with some of the loveliest flavors ever created. For instance, a personal favorite of mine is the proscuitto crudo, fichi (fig) and grana (parmesan cheese) ravioli. Yes, all that comes in one ravioli. But they also have simple cheese raviolis that are rockin'.

The ravioli are fresh and each week is a surprise because you don't know which raviolis will be featured... which is why I visit every Saturday and get a small portion of each and every ravioli that appeals to me :) And don't worry if you're on line and don't know which ones to choose, they'll give you a sample... just say, "Posso asajarlo questa qua" and make sure to point to the one you want.

PS: You can eat the raviolis raw because they're super fresh and uber delicious! Truth be told... sometimes the raviolis don't make it back to my apartment because I end up eating them like a snack on the way home LOL. Bottomline, raw or cooked... you can't go wrong :)

PPS: They make special trips to Monza for the market but you can visit them in Torino or check them out online-

Baci e abbracci!

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