Sunday, January 24, 2010

Calabrese: Lucky Coq, Melbourne

One of the best local secrets in OZ... Lucky Coq pizza on Chapel St.

And even though the pizza is rockin', the pizza isn't the secret. On Monday-Friday from 12-4pm or Sunday- Thursday from 7-11pm, you can get their pizzas for $4.00 each! And yes, I just typed $4.00.

How? Because their pizza is so damn good. 

I was told by a friend that they can afford to have their prices set low since they make up the revenue from the locals who take advantage of the deal at least once, maybe twice a week...

I saw it for myself- the place is jam-packed during these hours... and it's very difficult to get a table. But to be honest... I was fore-warned about the crowd. I didn't listen (and I'm blaming it on the jet-lag) because my friends (who introduced me to this place) told me that timing is everything. They said, "We have to leave at 7pm or a little before in order to solidfy seats." And well... I was a little late, and by late I mean like a 1/2 hour... so we had to get savvy once we were in (yes, I believe there is a bouncer at the door), and by savvy I mean, we had to stalk tables. So seriously, if you want to go... prepare yourself to be on time.

When we did get our seats... the guys decided to order 6 different pizzas... starting from the bottom left  and then clockwise: Greco, MexicanCalamari x's 2, Calabrese ♥, Lamb

Seriously, I couldn't believe how unique and original these pizzas were for $4.00 a piece- truly one of the best deals on Chapel. And even though they were all delicious, I was partial to the Calabrese (the pepperoni-looking one)... YUM.

PS- We didn't get them the time I went, but get the olives too. The boys nearly cried when a friend forgot to order them.

PPS- Yes you have to place your order at the bar, pay for it and make sure no one steals your seat. But don't worry a waiter will serve you... just make sure he doesn't give your order to the wrong person LOL- It's rough, but it's worth it ;) 

Baci e abbracci <3

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